Diy Dining Room Lighting Ideas
There are so many different types of lighting and they are all unique. In this huge and complex collection of lamps, pendants, chandeliers and all sorts of fixtures, finding the one that bests suits your needs and preferences is an almost impossible task. But there are ways in which you can design them yourself. These so-called DIY projects give you more freedom and allow you to choose the materials, design, color and all the other details. Let's take a look at some ideas.
1. Hemp string pendant lamp.
They seem so complex and yet they are so easy to make. These pendant lamps are a great week-end project. To make one you need bouncy balls, clear drying craft glue and, of course, hemp string. If you use a 16'' diameter ball you'll need 400 yards. For a 14'' diameter ball – 300 yards and for a 9'' diameter ball only 100 yards. First draw a circle on the ball. This circle represents the portion of the lamp that needs to remain clear of string. Then start applying the glue and wrap the hemp around the ball. Then use the inflating needle to deflate the ball and remove it from the lamp. Install the wires and hardware and your pendant lamp is done.We covered this project few weeks ago.
2. Stainless steel pendant light.
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This type of pendant lamps would look best in the dining room or above a breakfast bar or in the kitchen. They are made of modified silverware caddies. They are very easy to make and all you need to do is attach the cord, hardware and wires. You could also paint them if you prefer a different color.{found on ikeafans}.
3. Book lampshade.
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It might not seem like a good idea to combine a book with a light bulb. But, when you think about it, the pages of the book could create a very beautiful effect, especially when the light is diffused and spread through them. The project is extremely simple. All you have to do is find a big book that you are willing to sacrifice and cut a rectangular part just like the picture shows. Then install the cord and hanrdware and attach it on the wall.{found on instructables}.
4. Snowball wall light.
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This Snowball light is made from basket-style coffee filters, a sheet of hardware cloth and a string of LED lights. These are basic elements that almost anyone has in their home so you wouldn't even have to leave the house for this project. You can fill the blanks related to the actual process. If you want you can also dip the ruffles of the coffee filters in paint.{found on craftynest}.
5. Bamboo orb pendant lamp.
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Visually, these pendant lamps resemble the hemp string versions presented at no.1. They were inspired by the Cassiopeia chandelier and they are made using bamboo strips and a single CFL bulb. The bamboo comes from a bamboo roman shade and it's a flexible material that allows you to bend it as you please. You'll also need wood glue, mini spring clamps, a light cord kit and scissors. Cut the strings, apply wood glue and form a circle. Secure it with a mini spring clamp and do the same for 20 more pieces. Intersect them into the shape of an orb and glue the circles as you attach them.{found on craftynest}.
6. Folded paper lamp.
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Paper lamps are delicate and beautiful and, with a little, patience you can make one on your own. It will take you around 6 to 8 hours to make a lamp but, once it's complete, you'll most definitely be proud of what you have done. It's not difficult, it's just takes a lot of time. Most of this time will be spent folding so you'll be able to do it while watching a movie or doing something else.{found on site}.
7. Tulle pendant lamp.
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This is another easy-to-make pendant lamp and this time you'll be using tulle. You'll need 10 yards of 54'' wide tulle, embroidery floss, a light bulb, a pendant lamp (in this case Melodi pendant lamp), a large embroidery needle, a rotary cutter and mat, safety pins and a straight edge. Start by cutting a 17'' wide strip of tulle, fold the larger piece so that one side is 17'' and the other 20'' and you'll have three layers. Use safety pins to secure them together. Sew a simple running/basting stitch one inch from the edge of the fold and remove the safety pins. Overlap the right and left sides and wrap everything around the lamp. Tie a knot and insert the cord and light bulb.{found on craftynest}.
8. Tree branch chandelier.
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To make a similar chandelier you'll first have to choose some branches that you like, clean them, remove the twigs and any loose bark. Then screw the branches together. You'll also need some lamp cord, small candelabra sockets, some ¼ IP nipple and a light canopy. Wire the candelabra sockets together and screw them onto the nipples. Add the cord and he chandelier is done.{found on apartmenttherapy}.
9. Faux capiz chandelier.
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While very beautiful and good-looking, this looks like a complex and complicated project. Well, it takes a lot of time to make but it's actually not that difficult. You need white spray paint, ribbon, scissors, 1 or 2 rolls of wax paper, 2 big pieces of parchment paper, an iron, a hot glue gun, a circle cutter and a cutting mat. Start with a planter basket and spray paint it. Then start making the capiz shells. Cut three pieces of wax paper about the same length and place in between parchment paper. Iron them. Cut ribbon pieces and attach them to the planter basket. Attach the capiz shells until you cover the basket and it's all done.{found on designsponge}.
10. Glass bottle pendant lamps.
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Colored glass bottles can be recycled and repurposed in many different ways. For example, you can use them to make beautiful chandeliers. All you have to do is lightly cut the bottom of the bottle and fasten it to a piece of wood or metal. Pass through electrical equipment and electrical cords and it's complete.{found on styleitchic}.
11. Diamond ribbon lampshade.
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This one is a particularly simple project. It requires 10 yards of cotton herringbone ribbon, a lampshade measuring 8'' H x 9'' W, a chopstick, a hot glue gun, tape measure and a pencil. First decide how far apart you want to space the diamonds and mark these spaces. Then lay a strip of ribbon diagonally across the lampshade and move the ribbon one mark ahead on the bottom portion of the shade. Secure everything with a pink and attach the ends of the ribbon to the lampshade with hot glue. Next, place a strip of ribbon on top of one of your initial pieces and repeat until you cover the whole lampshade.{found on curbly}.
12. Globe pendant lamp.
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Globes are usually displayed on shelves or as a collection. But if you want to use them in a more creative way, try making a pendant lamp. Cut the globe into halves and hang them from the ceiling after you have installed the cord and wires. You'll be able to make two pendant lamps from one globe, one from each hemisphere.{found on Rosebud's Cottage}.
13. Ruffled ribbon lampshade.
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As in most cases, this is a project that requires patience and time. First, gather all your supplies. They should include 9 yards of cotton twill ribbon, a lampshade (the one in the pictures measures 9'' H x 11'' W), a chopstick, a hot glue gun, a ruler and a pencil. Using the ruler and the pencil, draw a line to help you guide the ribbon down the lampshade. You should also make tick marks where the glue needs to be placed. Secure the end of the ribbon to the top of the lampshade and use the chopstick to make a ruffle. Use glue to secure it in place and repeat the process until you reach the bottom. Do the same for the rest of the lampshade.{found on curbly}.
14. Drop cloth lamp.
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For this lamp you'll need some wood that can either be left unfinished or painted. First cut the legs, the upper and lower rails, the center rails, the light support, the upper dowels and lower dowels. Sand them with sandpaper. Then measure 1-1/2″ from the top end of each leg and mark the locations for the holes. Glue and insert the ends of the upper dowels and then attach the upper and center rails. Attach the light support and the upper dowels. Finally, cut four canvas panels 6″ wide by 15″ long and wrap one end around an upper dowel. Glue the fabric to the dowel and repeat for the remaining parts.{found on lowescreativeideas}.
15. Candle holder pendant shades.
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These pendant lamps are designed for outdoor use. To make some similar one you need to cut the bottoms from candle holders and to fit them around basic pendant lights. You'll be able to create a dabbled light effect, perfect for your outdoor dining area.{found on hgtv}.
16. Recycled wine bottle torch.
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This is also an outdoor feature. It allows you to turn an everyday bottle into a tiki torch for your outdoor area. You need an empty wine bottle, Teflon tape, a copper top plate connector, a 1''split ring hanger, ½'' x 3/8'' copper coupling, two hex nuts, two #10 x 1" zinc plated wood screws, 3/8'' -16 zinc plated threaded rod, a tiki replacement wick and torch fuel. You'll have to make a hanger first and then to work with the actual bottle.{found on designsponge}.
17. Plastic glass pendant lamps.
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Something as common and simple as a plastic glass can be turned into a beautiful pendant lamp. You just need a little imagination. Just take the glass and wrap it in colorful fabric. You can make multiple lampshades and attach them to a thread and them hang them above the bed or anywhere you want them to go.{found on veetje}.
18. Mason jar pendant lamps.
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If you have the time, this would make a great week-end DIY project. It involves mason jars and at the end you'll be able to create a very beautiful display for your home. It would be best if you had high ceilings for this one. You'll need jars, a hanging lamp kit and a ceiling light place.
19. Mason jar hanging candelabras.
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Mason jars can also be used to make beautiful hanging candelabras such as this one. For this project you need one-foot-wide plywood boards, rope, and Mason jars. Each jar needs to be filled with an electric tea-light candle and they will provide soft and diffuse light, perfect for the seating area or dining room. They create a warm and cozy atmosphere and they're also versatile.{found on martha}.
20. Garden lanterns.
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Your garden can benefit from a DIY lamp as well. You can make punched-tin lanterns. They are simple, easy to make and quite ingenious. Most of the materials for this project are things you usually throw out. You can come up with your own design for them, something personalized, something that would go nicely with your garden. You can also paint them in any color you want.{found on site}.
21. Outdoor concrete lamp.
For this project you'll need to use a mold. You get to decide the dimensions as well as the shape. It would be best to make it as simple as possible. You can use plywood for this part. Then apply a few thick coats of varnish or lacquer. This way the surface will be smooth and the mold will be protected from water. Next it's time to add the wiring. For this you can use Styrofoam. For the demolding, start with the simplest sides and continue with the rest. Then let the concrete dry a little more. Next, install a bulb and you're done.
22. Candle lanterns
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This is a nice way to light up an outdoor area like a patio if you want it to look more charming and magical at night. These hanging lanterns are made out of repurposed glass jars and you can combine several of them and create carousel-inspired installations like the ones featured on shinecrafts. Each hanging jar has a candle inside and you can also replace these with battery-operated string lights if you prefer the firefly-like effect they have.
23. Tassel chandelier
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This beautiful chandelier has a boho-inspired design and is a great project to take on if you're looking for a creative way to decorate a particular space or to add some color and texture to a room. As you can clearly see, if you want to make this chandelier you need lots and lots of tassels. In the design from hunker each tassel was dipper in black dye and then left to dry overnight which is what ultimately made this two-tone design possible.
24. Drum chandelier
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You might notice that this stylish chandelier is not hanging from a cord but from a piece of rope. Still, it lights up. That's because it uses battery-operated LED lights nicely hidden inside a drum shade. The design is very clean and simple and you can add a bit of detail to it with the wood pedestals at the top. Check out toolboxdivas to find out how to make this from scratch.
25. Honeycomb pendants
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Another cool design idea if you like geometric shapes and modern and simple fixtures is this set of honeycomb pendant lamps featured on scratchandstitch. The key detail here is finding honeycomb light globes in the right size. Apart from that you'll need a cord light kit, some wire, jute twine, ceiling hooks and key rings. Putting it all together is fairly straightforward.
26. Paper lampshade
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One of the easiest ways to make a new lampshade is by using paper. There are many different ways in which you can make your design interesting. You can use colored paper or patterned paper to highlight certain details and make the lampshade stand out but you can also create a 3D design by cutting half circles using a utility knife. This would definitely create an interesting visual effect when the lights are on. For more details you can check out the tutorial on ohohdeco.
27. Hanging basket lamp
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How about something a bit more rustic? This hanging pendant lamp featured on recreateddesigns definitely suits this style. It's a very interesting design created by repurposing an old picking basket. Find a good spot for it like somewhere in a corner and turn it into a unique decoration. Depending on the type of basket you decide to use the design can differ quite a lot so don't hesitate to make changes and to personalize it.
28. Christmas star
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It's always a lot of fun to come up with project ideas for Christmas, Halloween and other holidays and events. A cool option would be to somehow incorporate some lights into your designs. A lighted Christmas star like the one featured on thenavagepatch could look really cool up on a wall or hanging in front of a window.
29. Leather tassel lamp
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Something even a small and simple change can be enough to help a light fixture stand out and look more interesting. Something cute that you could make is a leather tassel which you can hang from the cord of a pendant lamp as a decoration and as a way to add a bit of color and texture to its minimalistic design. If you can't find leather you can also make a tassel out of string or something else. Check out jojotastic for details and directions.
30. Marquee letters
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Marquee letters are known for their Hollywood-inspired glamour and flair. They can be used as decorations around the house and in various types of projects and they're also a source of light which means you can take advantage of that if you want to change the ambiance in a room without making major design changes. Check out this lovely tutorial on madincrafts which shows you how you can decorate and personalize Marquee letters to make them look amazing and how you can potentially craft them yourself.
31. Cardboard pendant lamp
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Cardboard is a very versatile material which is often overlooked or dismissed on account of being too simple and fragile. For projects like decorations and such it's great because you can make a lot of cool things with it, like a gorgeous shade for a hanging pendant light. This one has an awesome geometric design with multiple pentagon-shaped layers that let the light go through the openings. Check out poppytalk to see how it was made.
32. Rope pendant
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Rope is also an amazing material for lots of DIY projects and crafts. It's perfect for creating woven patterns and designs and it's excellent for a lot of rustic or coastal designs. This pendant lamp is a lovely example. It's made using a hanging planter basket and a bunch of sisal rope. The planter had the perfect shape and a sturdy skeleton to use as a frame for this project. Check out designsponge for more details about it.
33. Abstract twin socket lamp
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This is such a cool-looking design, very similar to a lot of designer lamps and fixtures which are definitely a lot more expensive. If you want to make something like this you'll be playing with a bunch of keyless twin socket lamp holder adapters. You can combine these in all sorts of different ways to create different shapes so take some time to experiment until you find a structure that you like. It's a lot like playing with building blocks. There's a detailed tutorial on instructables in case you want to copy this particular design.
34. Floral basket chandelier
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Repurposing a basket into a lampshade is one of the easiest transformations you can make and also makes a lot of sense given the similarities between these elements. Here's a gorgeous-looking light fixture that was made like that. It features a large floral basket which is held in place by a shade ring. The basket doesn't have handles which is perfect and it also has a light and airy design that lets the light go through and creates a nice glow. Check out this project on sugarandcloth to find out more about it.
Diy Dining Room Lighting Ideas
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